The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Round up of the 2016-2017 season

The results for Botley event, end of May, were published some time ago.

Thanks to Heather for both hosting and planning the event. With the Summer
evening it was possible to get into the water meadows.

Rounding up the 2016-2017 season.
We had nine events in total. Including the pre-JK urban event in Bracknell.
With an average of 21 over the eight events excluding Brackell.
The Bracknell events entry (67) was bolstered by being in the pre-JK week.
It also saw the use of contactless electronic punching, full urban waterproof
maps and a dumbbell score event.

Another event that was popular was the City Centre event hosted out of the
University club. 42 runs were completed that evening, double the average,
including many newcomers.

The overall winners for the season were.
1st 200 Sarah Gales
2nd 199 Carol Edwards
3rd 197 Marie-Anne Fischer

1st 200 Nigel Bunn
2nd 198 Marcin Krzysztofik
3rd 194 Robin Bishop

Many thanks to all those who participated throughout the season, and in
particular those who planned and organised and event.

The 2017-2018 season will start in September.

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