The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Review of the season

This week saw us reach the end of the second season of the Oxford Street-O Series, which has built on the first with two more events and on average 33% more runners at each one. Thanks to everyone who has helped to make it a success, in particular those who have planned an event but . . . → Read More: Review of the season

April results and Routegadget published

The results and Routegadget for Tuesday’s event in Headington are now available. Thanks to Nev and Marie-Anne for planning and congratulations to Ben Stevens and Anne Edwards who were the winners on the night. I’ll post a separate report on the overall series and prizegiving shortly.

Season finale this week

Tuesday sees the 8th and final event of this year’s series, based at the Britannia Inn in Headington where we began in September. I hope that as many of you as possible can make it, not only for your final fix of street-o before the summer break but to support the prizegiving which will take . . . → Read More: Season finale this week