The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Routegadget available for City Centre event

Thanks to Ian, Routegadget is now available for the second event. Please add your route so that we can all see where you went!

Results for second event published

Apologies for the delay, but the results from last Tuesday’s event are now available here. There were significantly more of you there than at the first event, which hopefully means that the word is spreading! Why not bring a friend along to the next event on 14th December? (full details to come soon)

Venue for second event revealed

The venue for the November street-o event has been confirmed as the University Club on Mansfield Road, with the map covering the whole of the city centre north and east of the Thames and west of the Cherwell. Anne Edwards has kindly volunteered to plan. We hope to see lots of you there!