The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Liven up your evenings this winter

Welcome to the newly launched Oxford Street-O Series site! You are invited to participate in a series of street orienteering events on Tuesday evenings, once a month in different parts of Oxford. Keep yourself fit and get some orienteering practice close to home.

The format is a 60 minute score course based on outline maps of the local road and path network. All you need to bring is a watch – compass and/or head torch are optional. Start times are between 7 and 8pm, turn up and run when you’re ready. The entry fee is just £1. Every event will also provide a venue for socialising afterwards to make your evening complete. Come along and join in!

Please explore the site to find out more about the events. We hope to see you at the first race of the series which will be held in Summertown on 19th October.

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