The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC


The Oxford Street-O series is currently suspended due to the COVID-19 situation. Primarily due to the fact that the event centres we traditionally use are closed and that an event gathers people together for a length of time.

However, TVOC has created a Summer series of events based on the MapRunF smart phone application that allows an individual run around a Street-O event. Full details can be found on the TVOC website on how the MapRun system works.
tvoc maprun

This includes all the events supported by TVOC. Some of the events have been collected together to form a MapRun Oxford Street-O series for the Summer, to allow you to run around the events. Details of this series are here. There is a qualifying period for you to run the event to register a result for the OSS MapRun league. Even though this is nominally based around Oxford, the events are spreading out over the whole of the TVOC area.
Oxford street series on maprun

Temple Cowley results are published

The results for the April event #7 in Temple Cowley are now published.

Many thanks to Neville Baker for planning and organising in the tricky area of Temple Cowley. Once again it was great to see a few newcomers to the Street Series, hopefully you had some fun and will be able to turn out again for the next event. Thanks also to the The Marsh Harrier for hosting us.
As usual if you spot any mistakes in the results please let me know and I’ll try and fix them up.

Iffely results are published

The results for the February event #5 in Iffely are now published.

Many thanks to John Owens for planning and organising, combining parts of two previous area into a new challenge. It was again great to see quite a few newcomers to the format, hopefully you will be able to turn out again for the next few events. Thanks also to the The Cape of Good Hope for hosting us.
As usual if you spot any mistakes in the results please let me know and I’ll try and fix them up.

Marston results are published

The results for the Marston event #2 are now published.

Many thanks to Marcin for planning and organising Wednesdays OSS event.
Thanks also go to the OXSRAD centre for hosting us.
It was great to see so many newcomers turn out for the event. I trust everyone
enjoyed running around Marston and once or twice up Headington hill.

Kidlington results are published

The results for the Kidlington event #6 are now published.

Many thanks to Carol for planning and organising. Thanks also to the Black Horse for hosting us and reserving the window by the door. It was a good turnout last Wednesday with a couple of new faces joining us. I hope you enjoyed the run around the area, we look forward to seeing you again.

Headington results are published

The results for the Headington event #4 are now published.

Many thanks to Sarah for planning and organising. Thanks also to the Britannia Inn for hosting us again. It was a busy night with one of the highest turnouts for some time last Tuesday. A number of people also chose to run in festive gear to gain a few extra points. Again a tricky area where obtaining high scores was not that easy.
As usual, if you see any mistakes in the results, please let me know and I can try to fix them up.