The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Botley results are published

Many thanks to Laura and Nick for organising the Botley event. The weather was kind to us as it was mild and not raining. Though a little soggy underfoot in Raleigh Park. The Touch-O system was in use again and provided for some long distances to be covered.

Thanks also go to the Seacourt Bridge Inn for hosting us. A new venue and suitably located for the event. On the level so no running back up the hill to finish.

It was great to see yet more new faces at an event. A big turnout from Eynsham Road Runners. I do hope you enjoyed the evening and the challenge of having to plan routes in addition to running.

Katie retains her lead in the overall league, though Charlotte has gained some ground with a good run. Over in the Mens league, Robin has taken over the lead, mainly due to Nigel not turning out for a run.

The results for the Botley event #3 are now published on the website.
As usual if you spot any mistakes, (Name, Club, Class, Points) please let me know and I try and fix them up.

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