The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

The 2015/2016 season has started

Last Wednesday, 23rd, saw the start of the 2015-2016 Oxford Street Series. Planned by Bill Child in the Headington area of Oxford. A good turnout on a mild evening with a couple of new faces to welcome. We also took a final opportunity to say goodbye to Mark Collis who came along for a last run around before heading off to Prague in the next few weeks.

I have to apologise for not sending out pre event email from the OSS site, but had not realised this was done automatically on writing posts. That should be sorted now so hopefully everyone on the mailing list will have received this post. A few procedural items need ironing out whilst I get to grips with updating the OSS site.

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