The series is brought to you by members of Oxford's two orienteering clubs:

Thames Valley OC

Oxford University OC

Routegadget for Headington available

The map for Wednesday’s Headington event has now been posted on Routegadget. For those of you who haven’t done much orienteering, this is an online tool which lets you draw the route which you took and compare it with others. For example, you can compare the relative distances of each runner’s route – did you . . . → Read More: Routegadget for Headington available

Results for Headington available

Thanks to everyone for coming to run around Headington this evening, and to Blanka for planning. It made for a very successful start to the season with the most runners we have ever had! Results are now available, with Routegadget to follow soon.

Less than a week to go…

The countdown to this year’s first street-o event has reached four days to go, so I hope you’re all prepared for this season and that we get a big turnout in Headington on Wednesday. Look out for a slight modification to the mapping standards – we now have a special symbol to highlight roads and . . . → Read More: Less than a week to go…